Friday, December 03, 2010

Since we've done nothing he recommended, when the economy recovers and Obama is reelected can we all agree Paul Krugman is a complete fracking idiot?


Tully said...

He's actually not an idiot. He's an extremely capable academic economist who instantly morphs into a total and complete partisan whore when he writes op/ed. So much so that he's been known to ridicule sound econ basics from textbooks HE WROTE when said basics go against his preferred whorish political "narrative."

Yep, "whore" is the right word for Krugman as a columnist.

mw said...

Well, if we are going apply this kind of semantic precision, then I think he has to be described as a "Nobel prize willing partisan whore."

Tully said...

Only if you're looking for a comprehensive label, and I was contrasting his major dichotomous components. You'd have to add more adjectives for a comprehensive label.

mw said...

How about:

"Nobel Prize winning partisan whore, who in not an idiot but plays one on the op/ed pages of the New York Times."

Tully said...

That'll do!